Juice fast, day 1…

That’s right. I’m finally doing it. With a one week break between the end of school and the start of my career (woot) it’s the perfect time to do a detoxifying juice fast. I am aiming for a five-day fast.

Here’s what I juiced today…

Green drink love: This is one of my faves.  Apples are a great base for juice recipes. I like to use green apples because I prefer the lightly sour taste over red apples. (recipe makes approx. 8 oz. juice)

  • Hand-full of spinach
  • Hand-full of parsley
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 kale leaves

Immunity booster: I juiced garlic for the first time today. It wasn’t bad. Trust me, when something doesn’t taste good I have a major gag reflex. It definitely had a kick and left me with bad breath (until I promptly brushed my teeth). Not my favorite, but not too bad. (recipe makes approx. 8 oz. juice)

  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Thumb size slice of ginger
  • Hand-full of parsley
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 green apple

Veggie Detox: I also juiced beets for the first time today. I think the lemon really adds to this one. And it’s purple… how can you go wrong with purple juice? (recipe makes approx. 8 oz. juice)

  • 3 carrots
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 small beet
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 thumb size ginger

I also drank a coconut water (16.2 oz.) taking my total liquid consumed to a total of 40.2

Hungry?… I got a little hungry mid-day (thus the reason for the coconut water) but it’s my own juice-fast theory that there is no limit to the amount of juice allowed. I also drank as much water as I could.

I’ve had cravings. Hummus and pita chips in the fridge called my name many times. But my drive to complete the fast was greater than the cravings. I think when it comes to battling cravings it all depends on your commitment. We’ll see how I committed I am later this week…

Energy?… I had a normal level of energy. I ran errands, did a little 30 min home yoga practice, and took Bailey for a walk.

With so much juicing going on I can’t help but daydream about my my dream juicer. The number one reason I want this one… Wheatgrass. This baby can extract juice from grasses as well as fruits, vegetables, and other leafy greens. I’ve heard that a 2 oz. shot of wheatgrass juice is the equivalent of eating 4lbs. of green vegetables. It is the best source of living chlorophyll, a potent detoxifier, high in many different types of enzymes that help improve digestion, it is a complete protein, acts as an anti-inflammatory, and increases energy levels. One day I will be able to juice wheatgrass at home… So yes, mom, this means you can tell people I eat grass and actually be correct.

One comment on “Juice fast, day 1…

  1. You are so inspiring! Doing, making, learning always! Have fun 🙂


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